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Reena Gulati Blog

Life insurance is not just a financial safeguard for beneficiaries. It is also a pivotal tool in minimizing estate tax liabilities in comprehensive estate planning, especially for high-net-worth individuals. Because of the dual functionality of life insurance, it is critical to consult an attorney about how to use it strategically to achieve your goals.

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In the realm of estate planning in New York State, a crucial but often overlooked aspect is the management of digital assets. As we delve deeper into the digital age, it's imperative to understand the legal implications and strategies for incorporating digital assets into your estate plan.

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A revocable trust is a type of trust that can be amended or revoked by the person who created it, known as the grantor. In New York, revocable trusts can be a useful estate planning tool for a variety of reasons.

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An estate plan is a set of legal documents that outlines how you want your assets to be distributed and managed after you pass away. It is an important tool for ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of and that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. However, there are several reasons why you may need to change your estate plan over time.

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In New York, a durable financial power of attorney and a springing financial power of attorney are two different types of legal documents that allow a person to appoint someone else to manage their financial affairs. While both documents can be useful in certain situations, they have some key differences that are important to understand.

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